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Category: Db2


There are two basic mindsets on when to REBIND your DB2 programs. The first — which I believe is the best approach — is to REBIND regularly after running RUNSTATS.

Craig Mullins | May 11, 2016

Character Versus Numeric Data Types

Most DBAs have faced the situation where one of their applications requires a four-byte code that is used to identify products, accounts, or some other business object.

Craig Mullins | May 3, 2016

Dynamic SQL and Performance

In this age of ERP/CRM systems, Java/JDBC programming, and web applications, all of which heavily rely on dynamic SQL, its use is becoming more ubiquitous.

Craig Mullins | April 21, 2016

Intelligent Automatic Reoptimization?

Most seasoned SQL programmers know that when you use host variables, DB2 may not always come up with the absolutely most optimal access path at bind time.

Craig Mullins | April 12, 2016

The Most Important Thing is Recoverability

Many DBAs think that managing performance is the most important thing they do, but they are confusing frequency with importance.

Craig Mullins | March 24, 2016

Selecting Every Other Row

A recent question I received went something like this: “Can I get the odd and even number of rows from a DB2 table?” Learn the answer in this post.

Craig Mullins | March 15, 2016

On Date Formats in DB2 – Part 1

From time to time I use the blog as a forum to answer questions I get via e-mail. Today, we address a popular theme – dealing with DB2 date data.

Craig Mullins | February 9, 2016

DB2 Date and Time Data

DB2 allows you to add and subtract DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP columns. In addition, you can add date and time durations to, or subtract them from, date and time columns.

Craig Mullins | January 26, 2016

Q+A: Locking

The question was: I want to perform a retry on an INSERT under DB2 Z/OS when I get a deadlock/timeout. -911 causes a rollback automatically.

Craig Mullins | December 24, 2015