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Category: Db2

Don’t Forget DISPLAY as a Part of Your DB2 Tuning Efforts

The DB2 DISPLAY command is a powerful tool that gathers details about your DB2 subsystems and databases. DBAs should know how to use DISPLAY to simplify their job.

Craig Mullins | March 16, 2017

VOLATILE: A Useful Little Keyword

A reminder about the VOLATILE keyword. It was added in DB2 Version 8 and can be specified on a table using CREATE TABLE and/or ALTER TABLE statements

Craig Mullins | March 2, 2017


They both are similar to UNION in the way in which they work and are coded. But there a differences, this blog explores the differences.

Craig Mullins | February 9, 2017

DB2 Performance Monitoring Overview

In today’s blog entry we will discuss the basics monitoring and DB2 performance monitors.

Craig Mullins | November 17, 2016

When Not to Index

Every now and then I take the opportunity to blog about a question I get through e-mail. This time the question was: When does it make more sense not to build an index for a DB2 table?

Craig Mullins | July 20, 2016

Sequence Objects and Identity Columns

When designing DB2 databases a frequently heard request is for a column that contains sequentially generated numbers. Learn more in this post.

Craig Mullins | June 14, 2016

The Two Biggest DB2 Performance Things

Learn why the performance of applications is one of the bigger issues that end users complain about and how to fix DB2 performance.

Craig Mullins | June 7, 2016

A Quick Intro to DB2 SQL Functions

Want to go over DB2 SQL functions at a basic level? This is a review for those who might not have used them before.

Craig Mullins | May 18, 2016

DB2 Database Table Naming Conventions

What’s in a name? The establishment and enforcing of naming conventions is often one of the first duties to be tackled when implementing new software.

Craig Mullins | May 12, 2016