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Author: Manguirish Sardesai
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4 min read

Top SQL Server 2016 Features: Query Store

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 includes a new Query Store feature, which provides DBAs with insight into query plan choice and performance.

Manguirish Sardesai | June 26, 2019

4 min read

5 Best Practices for the Query Store in SQL Server 2016

The Query Store feature in SQL Server 2016 makes the troubleshooting process dramatically simpler. Learn more.

Manguirish Sardesai | February 8, 2019

7 min read

How to Choose AWS Storage

Consider your storage options will go a long way in determining the scalability, performance, and cost effectiveness of the application and cloud set-up.

Manguirish Sardesai | July 3, 2018

5 min read

Creating Amazon RDS Instance – SQL Server

Learn how Microsoft SQL Server can be run in AWS in two different ways.

Manguirish Sardesai | June 25, 2018
amazon s3

6 min read

Amazon S3 Storage for SQL Server Databases

Amazon’s S3 service provides a cost-effective and reliable way of storing backups. Read more to learn how to effectively handle backups using Amazon S3.

Manguirish Sardesai | July 27, 2017
AWS, MS SQL Server

4 min read

How to Set Up an AWS Account

Step-by-step instructions on how to create a new Free Tier account with Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Manguirish Sardesai | July 18, 2017

6 min read

How to Migrate Databases to RDS

AWS’ backup and restore feature, launched for a native SQL Server last July, has made it easy to migrate a SQL Server database to Amazon RDS.

Manguirish Sardesai | June 21, 2017

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