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How Datavail Services Transformed a S&P 500 Energy & Utilities Company


This case study explores how a S&P 500 Energy & Utilities Company overcame their database administration challenges by partnering with Datavail. By leveraging Datavail Database Services, they were able to improve their overall database quality, enhance coverage, and achieve significant cost savings.

The Challenges

Prior to engaging with Datavail, the company faced several critical challenges that demanded immediate attention. Their main objectives were to:

Improve Database Administration Quality

The company recognized the need to enhance their database administration processes to ensure high standards of data integrity and security. They sought a trusted partner who could help them maintain and optimize their databases effectively.

Provide Comprehensive Coverage

With databases being the backbone of their operations, it was vital for the company to have round-the-clock coverage and support. They needed a reliable partner who could monitor, manage, and resolve any issues promptly – even during weekends and holidays.

The Solution: Utilizing Datavail Database Services

To address these challenges head-on, the surveyed company turned to Datavail’s comprehensive suite of Database Services. Here’s how they leveraged Datavail:

Remote Database Management

By entrusting their database management to Datavail’s expert team, the company eliminated the need for on-site personnel. This remote approach allowed for seamless monitoring, maintenance, and troubleshooting of databases from anywhere in the world.

Database Assessments and Health Checks

Datavail conducted thorough assessments and health checks on the company’s databases. This proactive approach ensured early detection of potential issues while providing valuable insights into areas for improvement.

Performance Tuning

Datavail’s team of skilled DBAs optimized query performance, fine-tuning database configurations to maximize efficiency. This resulted in faster response times, improved overall system performance, and enhanced end-user experience.

The Results: Transforming Database Management

Since partnering with Datavail, the surveyed company has witnessed remarkable improvements in their database management practices. Here are the notable benefits they have achieved:

Lowered Database Administration Costs

By outsourcing their database administration to Datavail, the company experienced significant cost savings. They no longer needed to maintain an on-site DBA team, reducing overhead expenses while gaining access to a highly skilled and dedicated remote team.

Improved Database Administration Quality

Datavail’s expertise and meticulous approach elevated the quality of the company’s database administration processes. With regular assessments, health checks, and performance tuning, they ensured optimal data integrity, security, and reliability.

Enhanced Round-the-Clock Coverage

With Datavail’s 24×7 support services, the company achieved uninterrupted coverage for their critical databases. Regardless of weekends or holidays, they had peace of mind knowing that any potential issues would be promptly addressed by their dedicated team of DBAs.

Reallocation of Staff Resources

By offloading database management responsibilities to Datavail’s experts, the company was able to reallocate their in-house resources to more strategic initiatives. This allowed their IT team to focus on core business objectives and drive innovation.

Dramatic Improvements in Database Performance

Since engaging with Datavail, the surveyed company reported significant enhancements across various aspects of their databases. These include improved availability, better environment quality, increased reliability, and greatly enhanced overall performance.

“I am a software engineer with strong database development and database management skillset. Having Datavail support allows me to focus on other software development and software management tasks which in turn has a relatively strong impact on IT operations and business.”

Conclusion: Unleash Your Database Potential with Datavail

The success story of this S&P 500 Energy & Utilities Company exemplifies how partnering with Datavail can transform your database management practices. By leveraging remote expertise from seasoned DBAs who provide comprehensive services such as remote management, assessments & health checks, and performance tuning – you too can achieve cost savings while improving your database administration quality.

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