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Understanding Database Security

Author: Nikhil Arsekar | 4 min read | December 17, 2020

In today’s age when we talk about security, most of the time we relate it with our finances, health and family. These are the pillars on which our survival and growth is depended on.  Similarly, the survival and growth of a company also depends on how secure its data it.

With technology evolving day by day, it becomes difficult to manage and secure our ever-growing data. Hackers and infiltrators are always looking for opportunities to hack into companies functioning and use the data to target phishing attacks and extortion. Over the past few years, we have seen multiple cases where the data security of companies has been breached and have put them in turmoil.

Keeping our database safe and secure is one of the most important tasks for any database administrator. This is one aspect which we can never afford to compromise on. As we try to invest and adapt new technology it is also important for us to maintain the consistence and security of our data.

So, let’s try to understand more about database security.

What is database security?

Database security can be defined as the set of actions or Tool uses to encompasses a range of security controls over our database management system. Securing database in whichever way possible is one of the key elements for business continuity.

Types of database security

There are two type of database security. One is Physical level and the other is Digital level.

Physical Security

When we talk about Physical security, the first thing that comes to mind is datacenter. Datacenter is a place where actual forms of data are kept in the form of servers. Protecting our datacenter from any unauthorized entry and having a Zero Trust Architecture are few steps which we can implement for securing the premises.

Keeping track and monitoring every movement, transaction or iteration within the datacenters with utmost attention will help to strengthen the security.

Things to consider while managing datacenter security:

  • Geological activity in the region
  • Any form of natural calamities
  • Having proper power backups
  • Securing all the endpoints
  • Regular security audits.
  • Having strict and documented security procedures
  • Having video surveillance and entry logs


Digital Security

Digital security is where we talked about having security controls on software and networks.

Currently there are various database platforms in the market which are competent in managing the database security. Oracle, MS SQL, Azure, AWS etc. are all making sure that database security is giving the highest importance when it comes to Database Management System.

We do see various services, tool and vendors coming up with ideas and different strategies to make sure that there is not loophole present when it comes to securing data.

We also have international agencies such as SOX and HIPAA who performs regular audit on companies to identify any discrepancies in securing the databases.

Things to consider while managing datacenter security.

  • Database and backup encryption
  • Managing database access strictly
  • Enforcing stringent password policies
  • Auditing and monitoring database activates using in-build tools or various other Database monitoring software
  • Applying regular security patches as and when released
  • Setting Network Firewall and Web Application Firewall in place


Above all, no matter where your data resides, whether it be on-premise, cloud or a combination, keeping it safe and secure can be challenging. But with the right approach and proper management it is possible to keep our data safe and secure. If you or your organization is looking for support in managing your database security, partner with Datavail. Contact us to help secure your data.

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