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Top 10 Trends in Database Management #3: Distributed to Mobile Devices

Author: Eric Russo | 3 min read | October 17, 2018

Active mobile device ownership has topped 10 billion, and one billion smartphones get added to this number every year. They come in many forms, from connected equipment sensors to tablets. The amount of data they consume and generate grows at an exponential pace. The business applications for mobile devices come in many forms, and the automotive, trucking, airline and shipping industries are leveraging the newfound connectivity.

Enterprises need to change their data warehousing strategy, as their old solutions can’t keep up with an environment that involves so many more endpoints. You’re working with real-time data that the system needs to distribute to these mobile devices.

Moving to Cloud-Based Data Processing

Cloud-based data processing offers an economical way for your company to adapt to this endpoint-heavy environment. This solution gives you the ability to offload a lot of the processing into the cloud, which makes it far more cost-efficient than handling that on your own systems. The cost to create a user interface is far less.

Future-Proofing Your Company’s Data Warehousing

Your current architecture may be unsuitable to handle mobile data flows. If you designed most of the infrastructure before mobile, connected devices were commonplace, then you face issues in the long-term. By addressing these problems now, you avoid hampering your enterprise’s growth whenever you encounter unexpected spikes in demand.

Leveraging Mobile Devices in Your Operations

Do you have a strategy that allows your organization to use mobile devices in the most advantageous ways? Once you find a solution to store and process the data that they bring to the table, it’s time to turn your attention to optimizing their applications.

As the Internet of Things market becomes more mature, you have many examples of connected mobile devices delivering and receiving important data. How can you use this information to boost your productivity, move into a new market or increase your revenues? By answering these questions now, you can adopt a proactive approach in implementing these solutions.

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