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Using SharePoint: 9 Awesome Things You Can Do With SharePoint
Become familiar with these 9 uses for SharePoint that you can execute in just a few clicks without using any code. Learn more about using SharePoint here!
The Benefits of Using Microsoft Azure with SharePoint 2016
SharePoint 2016 allows for better user by leveraging the productivity that Office 365 provides, and the cost benefits of a cloud-based platform such as Azure.
Amazon CloudFormation Templates Help Move Clusters to the Cloud
This blog post explains how to use AWS CloudFormation Template and what to expect when you’re moving SharePoint Server 2016 to Amazon Web Services.
Using AWS in a Hybrid SharePoint Environment
Are you looking at moving your SharePoint Server environment to AWS? Here are some suggestions for running a hybrid environment using SharePoint on AWS.
Virtualizing Older SharePoint Environments, 2007 and 2010
Virtualizing SharePoint provisions management capability of multiple virtual hosts and SharePoint farms and servers, and transfers physical servers to virtual ones.
Four Anticipated Features in SharePoint 2016
SharePoint 2016 promises improvements to OneDrive and analytics, a hybrid SharePoint, and tighter integration with Office 2016.
Avoid Deadlocks in SharePoint to Increase Productivity
What’s slowing down SharePoint? Check for Deadlocks. You may not immediately notice red flags, but any performance degradation will be readily obvious to users.
There’s a Better Way to Use Your DBAs
When an organization doesn’t have 24×7 support, the senior database administrator is typically forced to do low-level work and is placed on-call for emergencies. She becomes bogged down in “administrivia” and is unable to operate effectively.
Using Microsoft Excel Power Query to Shape Databases
With the release of Excel 2013, Microsoft introduced a set of powerful new features called Power Functions. These include Power Pivot, Power View, Power Maps and Power BI. These Power features take data shaping to a whole new level.