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There’s a Better Way to Use Your DBAs

Author: Robin Caputo | 3 min read | July 15, 2015

Many managers of DBAs face the challenge of providing 24/7 coverage for their organization but often at the expense of job satisfaction of their team.

When an organization doesn’t have 24×7 support, the senior database administrator is typically forced to do low-level work and is placed on-call for emergencies. She becomes bogged down in “administrivia” and is unable to operate effectively. Her talents are squandered. This results in frustration that creates ripples of negatively throughout the organization.

Cloud-based database administration services make it simple for clients to have the technology capabilities they need in a focused area over which they have control. An on-demand service eliminates traditional challenges associated with database administration including expense, staffing shortages, and retention issues.

A new whitepaper from Datavail, Is Your Head In The Clouds When It Comes to Database Management?  explains how to maximize your database administrators’ retention and performance when you use managed services.

The white paper explains how senior-level staff can, for example, work on higher-level, longer-term projects they find more aligned with their job descriptions and more fulfilling than production support. Remote database management service provides seamless 24×7 coverage, allowing in-house staff to have their weekends and holidays rather than being endlessly on-call.

When there IS effective around-the-clock support, the senior-level database administrator becomes a resource the organization is able to better utilize. The senior staff members are able to do the work they were meant to do rather than respond to emergencies and tackle production support tasks. They can attend to high-value projects that challenge them. Having production support also enables senior staff to have their allotted time off, increasing job satisfaction.

Remote managed services allows organizations to flexibly control specialized teams that are available via the cloud for database monitoring and management. They can attend to common processes, capacity management, workload distribution, and other routine issues, and solve the problems inherent in database administration staffing, along with the associated expenses and turnover. An organizations core staff is able to become more efficient and effective and allow their employees to concentrate on higher end, high-value database projects.

As a managed service provider, Datavail has more than 300 customers who have been with our organization an average of seven years. We have some customers who have been with us since our inception. Our customers tell us they stay with us because of the quality of service we consistently deliver year after year, project after project.

Datavail has the experience and expertise you need, when you need it. We have the most experienced database administrators available to help your organization deal with its most pressing challenges. Whether it is handling explosive data growth, reaching 24×7 coverage, or managing and tuning databases, Datavail can provide you with a custom solution tailored to your organization’s specific needs. For more information, please contact us.

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