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Using SharePoint: 9 Awesome Things You Can Do With SharePoint

Author: Amol Gharat | 3 min read | May 23, 2017

SharePoint has been a key player in propelling business process to next level. Version by version it has improved; adding components like topology, site and pages structure, features and functionality, architecture and many more. Also, SharePoint supports code less environments, so the less you customize, the easier it will be to use and migrate to higher versions.

In this blog post, I will highlight some awesome out of the box uses for SharePoint you can execute in just few clicks without using code.

1. Document Management – Do more than just store your documents

SharePoint is a specialized document management tool. What’s new? SharePoint offers multiple ways to share IT documents through its secure portal.

  • Share using document library
  • Share using list (with attachments)
  • Share by adding on home page (links only)
  • Share by using Document Management System. (An advanced document manager which gives options to edit, manage, and store documents using UID and versions.)

2. Secure contents per audience – One page multiple audiences

SharePoint users can secure content and limit the audience. By using right access, use the out of the box control called “Targeted Audience” to make specific content available only to selected users. You can also create a home page and add contents available per user, so one page serves the correct content to each user.

3. Your own social site – My Site

My Site is your organizations social network where you can post updates in organization, your coworkers, and social events in company. My Site also enables you to create your own space in the organization, as an administrator of your own site. Cool right?

4. A network folder

Yes, you can use any shared document library as a mapped network folder. Using this you can save all machine data directly into SharePoint without logging into the SharePoint portal. Simply copy “shared document library” link and right click on my computer and follow map network folder wizard (you will need to login once).

5. Create your own WikiSite

Like Wikipedia, SharePoint has a feature called Wiki Site. Using Wiki Site an organization can host its articles, business discussions, product information, individual history, departments, and services information which Wikipedia cannot cover. Create your own wiki content, get it approved and publish it. Easy peasy!

6. Workflows

This out of the box is a mini-application program which interacts with SharePoint lists, libraries, and sites, and can be triggered by change events, such as add and update. It can be further programmed using metadata values and can be used in day to day business logic such as approval for forms and publishing content. Workflow can be used to replace paper forms.

7. Replacement for Excel

If you keep all your data in excel documents, you may have trouble organizing your files. SharePoint list allows you to convert all your data and use it in as many formats as you want.

8. Website

Using SharePoint you can create a website with CSS, HTML and JavaScript. Its web UI allows a business to interact seamlessly with the end user.

9. Content Editor Web Part for HTML, CSS and JavaScript

You can modify pages without using a website design tool like DreamWeaver, or even SharePoint designer. Simply use content editor web part to add all required page structures, animated scripts, CSS, html effects and many more without opening the page in advance editor.

Cooler than you thought, right?

For additional resources about SharePoint please check out our white papers.

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