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OBIEE Usage Tracking – Install in < 20 minutes

Author: Christian Screen | 1 min read | November 26, 2009

If you haven’t explored the full depth of OBIEE and all of its majestic glory then you may have not yet seen the sample RPD and web catalog which can integrate with your RPD to track user access statistics, longest-running queries, etc. By the way, Oracle aptly named this Usage Tracking. This is a fantastic tool and below I have put together the web’s first video tutorial on how to install and configure the basics of the Usage Tracking RPD. In subsequent posts, I look to explore Usage Tracking in more detail as well as to show you how to migrate the schema from the basic, dare I say lonely Usage Tracking RPD, and integrate it with a more real-world scenario RPD like the one your company runs its supply chain analytics from. The video is below – enjoy.

Remember, the toll for watching this video is simply to leave a comment. If you learn anything from the video then you must leave a comment and praise it heavily. : )

How to Install OBIEE Usage Tracking < 20 min from ArtOfBI on Vimeo.

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