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OBIEE Error Codes: GOA4AK7Z (Cube Definition is invalid…)

Author: Christian Screen | 2 min read | February 3, 2010

Working in OBI  Answers you will probably run into this code every now and again.  I typically bump into this error when I do a “Save As..” of an existing Answers view/report to create a new report built on only a few of the metrics which the original report was built.  The full error is: Cube Definition is invalid (Measure out of bounds) Error Codes: GOA4AK7Z.


This error is displayed because the pivot table or view that was previously referenced no longer contains the metric selection that previously was chosen. More to the point, the view no longer contains any reference to a metric. This error mainly arises when using the pivot table view as the other views have default references that bind successfully when parsed.


Quite simple actually. Just select the Criteria tab in the Answers window. Click the view drop-down and choose the pivot table view in question (Edit the Pivot Table). When the pivot table edit page opens you will see that the Measures box within the pivoting criteria window is empty. Move a metric from the ‘Excluded’ criteria box to the ‘Measures’ box and you should be good to go.

Here is the problem as shown when the pivot table is referenced after getting this error and then choosing to edit pivot table.

In lieu of this solution, one could also just scrap the answers report and recreate it. However, it is best to identify and understand why the problem occurring, thus fixing it and preventing it from happening.

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