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Designed for the Cloud: SharePoint Server 2019

Author: Mo Anwar | 5 min read | March 27, 2019

Microsoft has announced several versions of SharePoint, the application that provides data storage, collaboration and document management. There was SharePoint 2001, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016. Now, the application is getting even better with the announcement of SharePoint Server 2019. People have been waiting with ill-disguised excitement for this entirely new generation of SharePoint.

SharePoint Server 2019

SharePoint Server 2019 was announced as a generally accepted product at the end of October 2018. According to Microsoft, some of the design considerations included:

  • Trends in team collaboration
  • User experiences with various devices
  • Blending the cloud into existing on-premise configurations

In fact, SharePoint Server 2019 is the first generation of SharePoint that Microsoft designed specifically for the cloud. There are a number of changes in the 2019 version.

SharePoint Home Page

The SharePoint home page now allows users to easily find and access sites within their organization. News from followed and suggested sites are also automatically aggregated on this page keeping users more engaged with the organization.

Modern SharePoint Sites

SharePoint always used sites to provide collaboration features such as accessing content and apps, and allowing communication and sharing within teams.

In the latest generation, you’ll find sites that are contemporary in design and easier to use. A lot of customizations are available to the users out of the box instead of having to custom develop with complex codes.

Modern Site Pages

Modern pages allow users to share ideas using documents, images, videos, and more. These pages are not as structured as before, and they’re easier for a user to create. Due to the release of a whole slew of new web parts with heavy focus on intuitive user experience, it is very easy for users to create pages that are professional looking and engaging for the whole organization.

Modern Lists

Lists allow users to access and share data. Users can also include information from other systems in SharePoint. The new List function is faster, easier to use, and displays better on mobile devices. Users must access some functions in the classic version; however, it’s easy to switch between the classic and 2019 version of Lists.

Modern Libraries

The SharePoint libraries in the 2019 version are faster and more responsive. Collaboration is at the heart of SharePoint and the refined libraries will help users become more productive. The interface is similar to OneDrive, making creating folders and uploading files a more consistent experience. In addition, there is also support for larger files in SharePoint 2019 allowing for better storage capabilities.

Communication Sites

The latest SharePoint offers a new generation of mobile and intelligent intranets. Communication is intended to keep users informed, but also engaged. This is accomplished using dynamic, contemporary, and mobile communication sites.

Mobile Access

With today’s mobile workforce, applications like SharePoint must support people working on the go. Mobile access in the latest SharePoint is more intelligent and personalized.

Upgrading to SharePoint Server 2019

Microsoft has done a tremendous job with their SharePoint Online platform in the cloud. However, due to compliance, laws or other business reasons organizations may not be able to migrate to SharePoint Online easily. The SharePoint Server 2019 provides an excellent platform for customers who want to experience cloud functionality in the on-premise environment, optimize with a hybrid configuration, or eventually want to move to the cloud. Many of these companies have done extensive customization on their SharePoint On-Premises installation. SharePoint Server 2019 is a great upgrade path for these companies.

Another thing to keep in mind is that if you plan to upgrade, you’ll need to be going from the 2016 version to the 2019 version. There isn’t a direct path to upgrade from SharePoint 2013. You must upgrade all databases to version 16.0.4351.1000 or higher before an upgrade to SharePoint 2019 is possible.

Final Thoughts

With all the changes to the related Microsoft 365 components, it can be a challenge to plan for the future without some in-depth analysis and planning. For more information about SharePoint 2019, download our white paper, Look to the Future with SharePoint Public Preview. 

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