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What Can Data Fabric and Data Mesh Do for Your Data Management Approach?

Datavail White Paper

Without an effective data management strategy and efficient data management tools, your business will be unable to stay competitive. This is especially true for companies that need to modernize their data management platforms and rethink their data management strategy.

Without advanced data management, you won’t be able to run your business systems competently or gather the business data those systems contain efficiently. Also, you won’t be able to integrate data across your organization or perform the analytics that you should be using to manage daily operations and to develop robust strategic plans to grow your business.

If you’re evaluating your data management approaches, you’re undoubtedly aware of the data fabric and data mesh terminology that is prevalent in today’s discussions of data management. This white paper will answer the question, “What can data fabric and data mesh do for your data management approach?”

Download the white paper to learn more regarding Data Fabric and Data Mesh including what they are, why you should consider implementing one or both, challenges to implementing them, and how Datavail can help with your data management, data quality and data governance initiatives.

  • Overview of Data Management Strategy Components – There are several terms that relate to data management and it’s important to incorporate all of them in your data management strategy.
  • Get to Know Data Fabric and Data Mesh – Data fabric and data mesh concepts can be used alone or in combination, depending on your requirements.
  • What is the Relationship Between Data Fabric and Data Mesh? – Data fabric and data mesh have similarities and differences. One similarity is that they are both data management architectures.
  • Which Data Management Architectural Framework Should You Use? – The answer to the question of whether you should use data fabric or mesh will depend on your organization’s requirements and what you want to accomplish with your data management.
  • Tips for Implementation – Moving to either data fabric or data mesh data management is a significant undertaking. You may have important business reasons for making the transition, but there are things you need to address as you contemplate the implementation of either approach.
  • Data Fabric and Data Mesh Challenges – Both data fabric and data mesh present challenges that you’ll need to consider as you’re deciding whether to make a transition and as you’re designing and implementing your new technology. Important considerations are listed.
  • How Can Datavail Help?
    • Elevating your data management capabilities allows your organization to manage and access data more effectively. As a result, you can improve your critical decision-making capabilities, drive innovation, and increase performance. There’s no doubt that data fabric and data mesh can help you improve your competitive edge and grow your business.
    • However, designing and implementing data fabric and/or data mesh technology is a complex undertaking that will most probably strain your resources. Datavail can provide the expertise and experience you need to reap the benefits of improving your data management framework.

If you’re ready to upgrade your data management technology, contact our experts today to learn how we can help you take advantage of this emerging technology.

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