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Beyond “Lift and Shift”: Real-Life Examples and Best Practices To Get the Most Out of the Cloud

Datavail White Paper

Businesses of all sizes and industries are increasingly moving their applications and services from their on-premises IT environment into cloud computing platforms. Currently, 94% of enterprises use cloud services.

While the cloud can offer a wide range of benefits, not all cloud migrations are created equal. Some cloud migration projects simply move on-premises applications into the cloud relatively unchanged, a practice known as rehosting or “lift and shift.” This approach has the benefit of lower technical complexity, but often fails to take full advantage of the cloud’s features and capabilities.

If “lift and shift” is on its way out, however, then what are the alternatives? Datavail recently hosted the webinar Going Beyond “Lift and Shift”- Getting the Most Out of the Cloud. The webinar’s panel featured three senior IT executives from enterprises who all have first-hand experience with migrating to the cloud.

These IT leaders shared a wealth of expertise during Datavail’s webinar: from how they started their journey to the cloud to how they chose the right cloud platform and strategies. In this white paper, we’ll sum up the advice and best practices these executives have for others who are starting their own journey to the cloud.

Download the white paper to learn some insights gleaned from the seasoned professionals from the executive panel discussion regarding the following:

  1. What Are the Business Drivers That Lead to Cloud Migrations?
  2. How Should Businesses Formulate Their Cloud Strategy?
  3. How Do You Migrate Monolithic Applications?
  4. Is Decomposing Monolithic Software Always Best?
  5. How Should You Choose a Cloud Hosting Platform?
  6. How Can You Avoid Unexpected Costs or Problems?

How Datavail Can Help With Your Cloud Migration

Datavail has helped hundreds of clients move their IT environments to the cloud. Our list of cloud migration services includes:

  • Performing a cloud readiness assessment and a total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis.
  • Creating a cloud migration roadmap and strategy.
  • Application development and migration, including architecture, design and software upgrades.
  • Complex cloud migrations including minimal downtime.
  • Cloud data analytics, including data integration/ETL, data warehouses, reporting and dashboards.


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