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Natus Medical Incorporated Achieves Seamless Database Operations


In the fast-paced world of healthcare, efficient database administration is essential for seamless operations. Natus Medical Incorporated, a leading healthcare company, recognized the need to improve their database management and turned to Datavail for assistance. In this case study, we will explore how Datavail’s services helped Natus Medical overcome challenges, optimize their database architecture, and implement effective cloud migration and monitoring strategies.

The Challenges Faced by Natus Medical

Natus Medical had a clear vision when they approached Datavail. They wanted to enhance the quality of their database administration while staying focused on their core business objectives. Additionally, they needed round-the-clock coverage of their databases, including weekends and holidays. With these challenges in mind, Natus Medical sought solutions that would allow them to allocate resources effectively and streamline their operations.

Leveraging Datavail’s Comprehensive Services

To address these challenges head-on, Natus Medical partnered with Datavail and leveraged their expertise in remote database management. Here are some of the key services provided by Datavail:

Remote Database Management

Datavail offered Natus Medical 24×7 coverage of their databases through expert guidance and a full staff at a fraction of the cost of employing an in-house DBA. This allowed the company’s developers to focus on code and application development while ensuring that database administration was handled efficiently.

Database Upgrades and Migrations

With extensive experience in database upgrades and migrations, Datavail seamlessly migrated Natus Medical’s databases to newer versions without disrupting daily operations. This ensured improved performance, enhanced security features, and compatibility with the latest technologies.

Database Assessments and Health Checks

Datavail conducted comprehensive assessments and health checks on Natus Medical’s databases to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. By proactively addressing these concerns, they were able to optimize performance, ensure data integrity, and minimize the risk of downtime.

Performance Tuning

To optimize database performance, Datavail implemented strategic performance tuning techniques tailored to Natus Medical’s specific requirements. By fine-tuning queries, optimizing indexes, and analyzing resource utilization, they significantly enhanced the overall efficiency of the databases.

Migration to the Cloud

Recognizing the benefits of cloud technology, Datavail facilitated Natus Medical’s migration to the cloud. This move not only provided scalability and flexibility but also reduced infrastructure costs. With Datavail’s expertise in cloud database management, Natus Medical seamlessly transitioned their databases to a secure and reliable cloud environment.

Achieving Remarkable Results

Since partnering with Datavail, Natus Medical has experienced numerous tangible benefits:

  • Lowered Database Administration Costs: By opting for remote database management services from Datavail, Natus Medical saved over 50% of their costs compared to employing an in-house DBA.
  • Improved Database Administration Quality: With a team of highly skilled DBAs specializing in database architecture, migration strategies, and monitoring strategies, Datavail ensured that Natus Medical’s databases were managed with utmost precision and expertise.
  • Focused on Core Business Objectives: By entrusting their database administration to Datavail, Natus Medical was able to redirect their internal resources towards core business activities while leaving the technical complexities in capable hands.
  • Enhanced Round-the-Clock Coverage: Thanks to Datavail’s 24×7 support model, Natus Medical now enjoys uninterrupted coverage for their critical databases. This ensures smooth operations even during weekends and holidays.
  • Optimized Resource Allocation: With Datavail handling their database administration needs comprehensively, Natus Medical effectively reallocated their internal staff resources towards strategic initiatives that drive growth and innovation.


“The biggest impact is in staffing. For the spend we make with Datavail, we get 24×7 coverage of our databases with expert guidance and a full staff at the cost of less than a single DBA who is fully employed. This allows our developers to focus on the code and applications. The Datavail DBAs are highly skilled in database architecture, migration strategies, and monitoring strategies in addition to database administration.”


Through their partnership with Datavail, Natus Medical Incorporated successfully overcame their database administration challenges, optimized their database architecture, implemented effective cloud migration strategies, and streamlined monitoring practices. By leveraging Datavail’s expertise, Natus Medical achieved significant cost savings, improved quality of administration, enhanced round-the-clock coverage, and maximized resource allocation. If your organization is facing similar challenges in database management or considering a move to the cloud, don’t hesitate to explore the comprehensive services offered by Datavail.

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