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Microsoft SQL Azure vs. Amazon (AWS) RDS

Windows Azure vs Amazon RDS

Microsoft SQL Azure and Amazon RDS are marketed in remarkably similar ways. Both companies claim that their cloud database product makes it easy to migrate from on-premise servers to their database-as-a-service cloud offerings; simply migrate your schema and data to the cloud, and then change a connection string in your application. They also emphasize that the same management tools used with an on-premise database can be used in the cloud.

There are many ways to run databases in the public cloud. Competition for your business is fierce, prices are steadily dropping, and the service offerings of the major providers change almost continuously.

This white paper focuses on two popular offerings: Microsoft’s Azure MySQL Databases and Amazon’s Relational Database Service (RDS) running MySQL Server. We compare them on eight key features and suggests the database configurations that each system is better at handling.

Download The White Paper Here