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Enhancing Database Management for Large Enterprise Health Care Company


In the fast-paced world of health care, large enterprise companies face unique challenges when it comes to managing their databases. From improving database administration quality to ensuring round-the-clock coverage, these organizations require a reliable and efficient solution. In this case study, we will explore how Datavail helped a large health care company overcome these challenges and achieve remarkable results.

Addressing Key Challenges

When the profiled health care company sought a database management solution, they had several pressing challenges in mind. They wanted to:

Improve Database Administration Quality

Maintaining high-quality database administration is crucial for any large enterprise health care company. It ensures data integrity, security, and optimal performance. However, achieving excellence in this area can be complex and time-consuming. The company recognized the need for expert support to enhance their database administration processes.

Provide Comprehensive Coverage

For a large enterprise health care company, 24×7 coverage is essential. Databases must be monitored and managed around the clock to minimize downtime and ensure uninterrupted access to critical information. This includes weekends and holidays when many other businesses might have reduced staffing levels.

Leveraging Datavail Database Services

To meet these challenges head-on, the profiled company turned to Datavail Database Services. They leveraged key features and functionalities provided by Datavail in the following ways:

Remote Database Management

Datavail’s remote database management services offered a comprehensive solution for overseeing and maintaining their databases from afar. This allowed the health care company’s IT team to focus on higher-priority tasks while leaving the intricate aspects of database management in expert hands.

Database Upgrades and Migrations

Updating databases and migrating data can be complex processes that require specialized knowledge and careful planning. With Datavail’s expertise, the profiled company successfully executed seamless upgrades and migrations without disrupting day-to-day operations.

Database Assessments and Health Checks

Regular assessments and health checks are vital for identifying potential issues and optimizing database performance. Datavail provided thorough assessments and health checks, enabling the health care company to proactively address any vulnerabilities or bottlenecks.

Performance Tuning

Maintaining optimal database performance is crucial for large enterprise health care companies, as even minor slowdowns can have significant consequences. Datavail’s performance tuning services helped the profiled company fine-tune their databases, ensuring efficient operations and enhancing overall system responsiveness.

Remarkable Results Achieved

By partnering with Datavail Database Services, the profiled health care company achieved remarkable results that positively impacted their operations:

Lowered Database Administration Costs

Outsourcing their database management to Datavail allowed the company to reduce costs significantly. By utilizing remote database management services, they saved 50% or more on administration expenses compared to maintaining an in-house team.

Improved Database Administration Quality

With Datavail’s expert support, the health care company experienced a notable improvement in the quality of their database administration. Their databases were managed efficiently and effectively, minimizing risks and maximizing data integrity.

Enhanced Round-the-Clock Coverage

The profiled company no longer had to worry about gaps in coverage during weekends or holidays. With Datavail’s 24×7 support, their databases were continuously monitored and managed, providing peace of mind knowing that critical systems were always under expert supervision.

Dramatic Improvements Across Key Metrics

Engaging with Datavail yielded significant enhancements in various areas:

  • DBA Coverage: The availability of skilled DBAs dramatically improved, ensuring prompt assistance whenever needed.
  • DBA Expertise: With access to dedicated US DBAs and Tier 3 offshore DBAs from Datavail, the health care company benefited from a wealth of expertise and knowledge.
  • Database Availability: Downtime was drastically reduced thanks to proactive monitoring and swift issue resolution by the Datavail team.
  • Database Reliability: The health care company experienced a notable increase in the reliability of their databases, minimizing disruptions and data loss.
  • Database Performance: Through performance tuning and optimization strategies, Datavail significantly improved the overall performance of the health care company’s databases.


“We could not be happier with the service and value we receive from Datavail.”


For large enterprise health care companies seeking top-notch database management solutions, partnering with a trusted provider like Datavail can yield transformative results. By addressing challenges related to database administration quality and round-the-clock coverage, while leveraging remote management, upgrades, assessments, and performance tuning services, organizations can achieve significant cost savings and enjoy enhanced database reliability and performance.

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