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Oracle 19c Solves Emerging Trends Tests

Author: Vijay Muthu | 4 min read | March 11, 2020

Information – factually accurate data, details, and statistics about your business and how it works in the world – is THE critical component for all of today’s business decisions. Successful organizations have mastered gathering appropriate and relevant data and acting on it promptly and effectively. That means they have also mastered control of their data, often using the most advanced database administration technology possible, the newly released database Oracle 19c.

Why Data?

The short answer: information provides the foundation for all of your corporate decisions. The long answer: data illustrates the insights, facts, and realities of your organization, from its annual revenues to the costs incurred in its lunchroom. Data keeps you apprised of market trends, production costs, and labor force expenses. Without it, you do your decision-making in the dark, unaware of what your competitors are doing or how your markets are changing.

So, gathering data is important, but you shouldn’t gather data just for data’s sake. It’s the relevance of the data to your enterprise that matters, and collecting, storing, and analyzing the right data is what offers your company its best competitive edge, regardless of your industry.

That’s why your chosen database management system (DBMS) is critical to the success of your company; it performs so many critical functions:

  • It collects information that is relevant to every element of your corporate sphere, from its furthest supply chains to the contents of your desktop’s hard drive.
  • It interprets and sorts all the varieties of data that exist in today’s (and tomorrow’s) global economies.
  • It can read, analyze and make sense of the information, then present it so that maximizes its value across your entire corporate footprint.

Your corporate data is what sets your organization apart from its competition, so it’s imperative that you gain and maintain control over it.

What Trends?

Emerging industrial and data management trends underscore the importance of tuning up your data management practices and your database administration. Without a fully operational, flexible, and supported DBMS, your company could lose market share in the face of these developing digital advances.


Emerging automation (robot) technology is streamlining many of your repetitive business tasks by shifting those operations to digital workers. Forrester predicts that automated programs and robots will take over more than one million jobs in 2020 alone, providing their owners with faster, more accurate computing results. Their data indicates that most companies have already replaced humans for robots for approximately 20 percent of their frequently repeated tasks, although some have moved as much as 80 percent of their operations to an automated platform.

Automation provides solutions to the integration challenges that are arising (and will continue to arise) from the myriad of data types and programs that are introduced each day. It will also enhance the ‘best-in-class’ solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s emerging concerns. Fully effective automation demands access to a fully functional database. Oracle 19c gives you that.

Augmented Analytics and Data Management 

Augmented analytics combines artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to redesign the preparation, discovery, and sharing of corporate information, according to the experts preparing for Gartner’s 2020 Data and Analytics Summit. Augmented data management will change how every organization works by also automating database operations regarding data quality, integration, metadata management, and self-configurations. The advances provide improved controls over information by less-skilled operators, leaving the highly skilled workforce open to address more significant challenges.

Continuous Intelligence  

Merging real-time analytics with existing operations data will require combining augmented analytics with event stream processing. The resulting computing capacity will facilitate on-the-fly changes to production and outputs as data indicates where those changes are optimal. The enhanced business intelligence analytics can then inform business rules programming, compliance and regulatory software, and other critical corporate programs about how the nature of the business evolves in response to immediate market indicators.

These trends and more are already changing how many businesses plan for tomorrow, relying on the Oracle 19c database to provide them with the data they need. Because of the complexity of today’s global marketplace, your DBMS must function flawlessly 24×7 so it should also come from a reliable, trusted and proven database provider. There’s no better DBMS provider than Oracle. And there’s no need to go it alone when making these changes to your fundamental data management practices; Datavail’s Oracle Platinum Partner professionals are available when you need them, for whatever Oracle 19c concerns you have.

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