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I Know What You Did in Hyperion Last Summer

Author: Ed DeLise | 4 min read | May 30, 2018

Overseeing users’ activities is a critical part of Hyperion administration. In order to keep the environment running smoothly, diagnose performance issues, and plug security holes, Hyperion admins need to have a clear picture of what users are doing at any given point in time.

As important as activity monitoring is, however, tracking inactivity is just as important. To make sure that the environment is operating at maximum efficiency, Hyperion admins need to know whether or not users are actually active, whether objects are being utilized, and how long they’re being used for. Unfortunately, most admins don’t have an easy way to access this information on a regular basis, forcing them to perform time-consuming manual research in order to understand users’ behavior.

90-Day Reports: Use Cases and Benefits

Yet this labor-intensive grunt work isn’t the best or the only option available to you. Datavail’s application performance management (APM) platform, developed by Hyperion specialists at Accelatis – a company acquired by Datavail in 2017 –is the only solution custom-built to work with Oracle Hyperion. It includes a number of features for generating system reports, including “90-day inactivity” reports about idle users, software licenses, and objects.

Use Case #1: Software Licenses

First, with the help of our software platform, Hyperion administrators can easily view the list of users that have actually logged into the system, and also which software licenses they’re using. Even though an entire team or department may be licensed to use a particular product, for example, only a small fraction of those people actually use it on a regular basis.

Our software by Accelatis provides documented proof of these gaps between actual and perceived license needs. Thanks to these inactivity reports, it’s much easier to know how to adjust the number of software licenses accordingly so that you can save money and allocate licenses to the right people.

Use Case #2: Hyperion Objects

In addition to software licenses, the 90-day inactivity reports can display which objects in the system are unused or underutilized. Our platform monitors a variety of items for inactivity, including grids, forms, business rules, reports, and books.

By saving team members from devoting hours of their time preparing objects that go unused, inactivity reports help you allocate resources and employees more efficiently. These insights are delivered automatically at regular intervals by our platform: automatically collecting, analyzing, and encapsulating your system data within a single report, and then delivering it to the people who need it.

Case Study: AGCO Corporation

One of Datavail’s clients, agricultural manufacturer AGCO Corporation, has successfully used our APM platform to manage its Hyperion software licenses, adding and removing users on an as-needed basis. “We’re very happy with the 90-day reports,” says Cynthia Rima, financial systems manager at AGCO. “I just removed 17 Hyperion Financial Management users last week, as we were down to five available licenses.”

Not only do the reports keep administrators clued into Hyperion activity, they also make it much easier for AGCO employees to remain in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Oracle license requirements.

Final Thoughts

The insights that you gain from tracking inactivity in your Hyperion environment will save your business valuable time, money, and resources that you can spend on higher-level, more strategic activities. To learn about a few more things that you never knew you could do in Hyperion, download Datavail’s new white paper, 9 Hyperion Myths That Are Making You Less Effective.

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