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How Tech Firms Conserve Capital with Remote DBA

Author: Robin Caputo | 5 min read | September 22, 2015

Most technology companies, particularly high-growth firms with special competencies, are squarely focused on a core capability. This might be businesses involved in software development, providing infrastructure or a special tool suite, or else those in hardware or device manufacturing.

Most technology companies are characterized by rapid growth due to the fast-paced nature of change in tech industries. Growing companies are chronically short of the cash they need to finance that growth. This is especially true with startup companies in the months or years they are burning through capital before profits materialize. They need to conserve as much cash as possible.

These firms might feel like they should be able to handle their own database needs; they are “tech” companies, after all. But it’s an expensive mistake to divert staffing and resources away from core competencies. When it comes to database administration, tech firms can conserve capital and improve results by contracting with DBA experts rather than trying to staff up internally.

When Database Administration is NOT a Focus

Conventional wisdom holds if you operate a technology company, all aspects of IT are easy. After all, technology is your business. But every technology company has a special focus and, unless you’re Datavail, that focus is not database management. Whether you are creating virtual reality headsets or crunching numbers in options markets, dealing with database problems is a diversion from your organization’s core capabilities and focus.

Database management is Datavail’s technology and business focus. We have the expertise needed to cover your organization’s database needs. With our resources, your team can focus on what it is best at: using technology to create a better future focused on your customers and their needs.

Lowering Costs with Remote DBA

Lowering costs is the number one concern for most clients. Our customers want both a higher level of service and lower costs associated with maintaining their databases. It’s not easy to meet both these goals simultaneously; however, if we can successfully lower the costs associated with routine management, the client will have the funds needed to make service improvements. This is why reduced maintenance costs are the one metric all tech companies want Datavail to clearly demonstrate.

According to a recent Gartner report on legacy enterprise software systems, Gartner Fellow Andy Kyte writes, “Businesses looking to improve administration today can take advantage of lower costs, better functional fit, and process flexibility offered by blending cloud applications with on-premises applications.” These same cost savings are available to those who move to a managed services contract for database management.

Lowering costs so that employees could focus on core competencies was the impetus that drove one medium-sized telecommunications company to work with Datavail. It ultimately saved between 25 and 50 percent with remote Oracle database management services. “Datavail has provided us with resources that are knowledgeable and reliable, and they understand our business needs while also reducing our costs,” stated one of its principals.

Fractional DBA Services Save Money

Many companies have systems that need to be maintained, but not enough work to hire a full-time database administrator. Datavail makes it simple for organizations to get precisely the specialized knowledge needed for such a project — and for the fractional period of time needed. This type of right-sourcing is a cost-effective, quality-conscious means for organizations to meet their less-than-fulltime DBA needs.

Rick Newman at U.S. News and World Report recommends that businesses looking to prosper during tight economic times consider the benefits of using “fractional employees” to reduce costs. You pay only for the skills you need for the amount of time you need them.

One enterprise software company to which Datavail had provided such a solution found it was a good alternative for the organization’s intermittent needs. “Datavail allows us to have access to DBA resources without having to staff a full-time DBA,” stated one of this firm’s managers.

There are many compelling reasons technology companies might want to use remote database management services. These are a few examples drawn from our experience working with technology-centric firms. For more information, get our whitepaper on The Unique Database Needs of Technology Companies. The whitepaper explores not only the need to conserve cash, but also other advantages that tech firms enjoy when the outsource database administration.

What’s Next?

Your database needs are unique. Your organization can take advantage of Datavail’s talented pool of experienced database administrators to minimize costs while maximizing service levels. We allow your staff to become productive and effective at the jobs they were hired to do.

Whatever your business, Datavail can help with a wide range of tasks designed to help your organization’s databases run more effectively and efficiently. By allowing us to tackle routine database administration tasks, we free up capital for more pressing staffing needs. Read our latest white paper on the unique needs of technology companies to learn more.

If you would like to know more about our database administration services and how we can help with your specific challenges, please contact Datavail to discuss a solution designed for your enterprise.

Image: 123RF/hamsterman

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