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Get Better Performance Using New T-SQL Functions

Author: Rajnikant Tandel | | February 14, 2019

I did a lot of programming in the beginning of my carrier and always preferred encapsulating code wherever possible. For instance, whenever there is a requirement to write the SQL query to concatenate string values by a separator within a group, I’ve always favored user defined function.

Though user defined function works fine in this kind of requirement, it sometimes has a negative impact on performance. Thankfully, SQL Server 2016 and 2017 came up with several new T-SQL functions.

With the previous versions of SQL Server, developers had to write lengthy and complex logic for the string manipulations. This article illustrates the basic functionality of new T-SQL function STRING_AGG and demonstrates how this new function can be used to concatenate the string values and get better performance over user defined functions or any other alternatives.


The numeric aggregate functions like SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX have been in use since ANSI SQL came in. Like the numeric aggregate functions, STRING_AGG function concatenates string values and places separators between them. It also allows you to organize the data within a group.


CREATETABLE dbo.category(

category_id intIDENTITY(1,1)NOTNULL,

category_group_code tinyint,

category_desc varchar(20))


insert dbo.category(category_group_code, category_desc)select 1,’Travel’

insert dbo.category(category_group_code, category_desc)select 1,’Meals’

insert dbo.category(category_group_code, category_desc)select 1,’Lodging’

insert dbo.category(category_group_code, category_desc)select 2,’Entertainment’

insert dbo.category(category_group_code, category_desc)select 2,’Clothing’

insert dbo.category(category_group_code, category_desc)select 2,’Electronics’

insert dbo.category(category_group_code, category_desc)select 2,’Communication’

insert dbo.category(category_group_code, category_desc)select 2,’Groceries’

insert dbo.category(category_group_code, category_desc)select 2,’Home Supplies’

insert dbo.category(category_group_code, category_desc)select 2,’Misc’


select category_group_code as [Group],STRING_AGG(category_desc,’, ‘)withingroup (orderby category_desc) Categories

from category

groupby category_group_code



Group Categories
1 Lodging, Meals, Travel
2 Clothing, Communication, Electronics, Entertainment, Groceries, Home Supplies, Misc.




Let’s see how this function can be used to improve the query performance.  I’m going to demonstrate examples of using this function over two old techniques to show the performance differences.

The following T-SQL script will create and populate two tables, Employee and Department.

CREATETABLE dbo.Employee(

EmpId intprimarykey,

EmpName varchar(50),

DeptId smallint)


CREATETABLE dbo.Department(

DeptId smallintprimarykey,

DeptName varchar(50))


CreateIndex IX_DeptId on Employee(DeptId)




SET @cnt = 1

DECLARE @rnd FLOAT, @EmpName varchar(50), @DeptName varchar(50)

WHILE @cnt <= 1000000


select @rnd =ROUND((RAND()* 10000),2)

select @EmpName =’Emp’+trim(str(@cnt))

INSERTINTO dbo.Employee(EmpId, EmpName, DeptId)VALUES (@cnt, @EmpName, @rnd)

if @cnt <= 10000


select @DeptName =’Department’+trim(str(@cnt))

insertinto Department(DeptId, DeptName)values (@cnt,  @DeptName)


SET @cnt = @cnt + 1




Let’s write a query to get all employee names separated by commas for each department.

For this kind of requirement, the usual approach is to write a user defined function like below to get all employees separated by commas for a department. I’ve passed DeptId as a parameter in UDF and the query in the UDF concatenates all employee names separated by commas for that department. Here, COALESCE function has been used to concatenate employee names.

— create user defined function

createoralterfunction dbo.udf_comma_delimited(@DeptId int)




declare @return_values varchar(8000)

SELECT @return_values =COALESCE(@return_values +’, ‘,”)+ EmpName

FROM Employee

WHERE DeptId = @DeptId

orderby EmpName

return @return_values




dbcc freeproccache

dbcc dropcleanbuffers withno_infomsgs;


— Passing DeptId in user defined function to get all employee names separated by comma for the DeptId

select DeptId, dbo.udf_comma_delimited(DeptId) Employees

from Department

orderby DeptId


Statistics Time:

SQL Server Execution Times:

CPU time = 4468 ms,  elapsed time = 4850 ms.



The above query with the user defined function takes 5 seconds. Several times, we see that user defined function is the culprit and could be the reason for the slowness of the query. To eliminate the user defined function from the query, let’s try another popular approach of using FOR XML query to concatenate the string with a separator.

select d.DeptId,

(selectstuff((select’, ‘+ EmpName as [text()]

from Employee

where DeptId = d.DeptId

orderby EmpName


) Employees

from Department d

orderby d.DeptId



Statistics Time:

SQL Server Execution Times:

CPU time = 4984 ms,  elapsed time = 5341 ms.




The time taken by both the queries (using UDF or FOR XML) is around five seconds.

Let’s try the STRING_AGG function now.


select DeptId,string_agg(EmpName,’, ‘)withingroup (orderby EmpName) Employees

from Employee

groupby DeptId

orderby DeptId


Statistics Time:

SQL Server Execution Times:

CPU time = 4375 ms,  elapsed time = 1030 ms.



The query with the STRING_AGG takes 1 second compared to 5 seconds taken by other two approaches.  

In the three different scenarios tested, STRING_AGG function performed significantly better than the two other older methods. Thus, it is advisable to replace old techniques of user defined function or FOR XML method with the new STRING_AGG function.

Want to learn more performance tuning techniques? Download the slide from the “Optimize SQL Server: Query Tuning Techniques” presentation.




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