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Oracle EBS Automation: Here’s How It Can Be Done

Author: Mahesh Vanapalli | 3 min read | October 14, 2020

By now, the general benefits of automation are well-known—including lowering IT costs, reducing errors, and freeing up time and effort for tasks that are better suited to human employees. What’s less clear, however, is how to take advantage of automation when using powerful (and complicated) enterprise resource planning software like Oracle EBS.

According to a 2018 study by CA Technologies, for example, businesses using automation in Oracle EBS have been able to shorten their financial reporting cycles by up to 70 percent, while also reducing manual effort by as much as 90 percent. With that said, how can you get started reaping the benefits of Oracle EBS automation for your own organization?

Datavail’s Oracle EBS Automation Library

Datavail has built a plug-and-play automation library specifically for our Oracle EBS clients, with dozens of scripts for automating database administration work. The library includes scripts for tasks including:

  • Generic daily health checks (to prevent unexpected incidents)
  • Patch management
  • Log management
  • Common maintenance activities (including startups and shutdowns, reorganizing database tables and indexes, collecting schema statistics, and more)
  • Backups and restores
  • Database installation and provisioning
  • System monitoring
  • Cloning and database refreshes
  • High availability and disaster recovery

We’ve built our Oracle EBS automation library to help support the diverse needs of our clients, from operating systems and databases to Oracle WebLogic Server and GoldenGate. Even better, our automation scripts can easily integrate with your existing environment: they run both in the cloud and on-premises, and are compatible with CI/CD tools such as Jenkins and Ansible AWX.

One of our clients, a Fortune 500 fast food chain, has leveraged Datavail’s Oracle EBS automation library to save over 550 hours of manual IT work each month, including laborious tasks such as:

  • EBS single-node and multi-node clones
  • TRIRIGA environment restarts
  • Cisco Global Site Selector (GSS) scripts
  • Session kills for Oracle EBS and Business Intelligence inactive users
  • Oracle Hyperion artifact backups through LCM (Life Cycle Management)

Datavail’s Oracle EBS automation library has helped our clients unlock a tremendous amount of value in their enterprise IT environments—but it’s only one of the many EBS services we offer. To learn more about how we can help improve the efficiency and accuracy of your EBS workflows, check out our new white paper “Strategic Oracle EBS Managed Services – with Benefits.”

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