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Author: Chuck Czajkowski
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4 min read

How to Prepare for a SOX Audit

If you’re not prepared for it, a SOX audit might be one of the most nerve-wracking trials that you face as an organization. Be prepared by staying on top of Hyperion system changes.

Chuck Czajkowski | October 10, 2019

4 min read

9 Hyperion System Changes You Didn’t Know You Could See

Learn how to get x-ray vision into what’s going on in Hyperion.

Chuck Czajkowski | October 2, 2019

3 min read

4 Ways Unauthorized Changes to Your FP&A and Close Systems Can Harm Your Business

Find out how to track changes in Hyperion so you’re prepared for your next audit.

Chuck Czajkowski | September 24, 2019

4 min read

EPM Pre-Flight Checks: It’s All in the Application

When you are trying to determine if an application is ready for your users, you should be aware of changes, status, and operational readiness.

Chuck Czajkowski | September 4, 2019

4 min read

EPM Preflight Checks – Are You Ready for Take-off?

Hyperion systems are like a jumbo jet – they need pre-flight checks! Find out what you should be doing to keep your systems safe and operational.

Chuck Czajkowski | August 13, 2019

3 min read

Finance & IT Couples Therapy Guideline #5: Promote Strengths

This final article in our five-part series will concentrate on how you can effect lasting change by promoting the strengths of both finance and IT.

Chuck Czajkowski | August 7, 2019

5 min read

Finance & IT Couples Therapy Guideline #4: Decrease Emotional Avoidance

This is the penultimate blog post in our five-part series about how to improve relations between finance and IT.

Chuck Czajkowski | August 1, 2019

5 min read

Finance & IT Couples Therapy Guideline #3: Improve Communication

This third post will go over the next step in the couples therapy process for Finance and IT: improving communication between the two parties.

Chuck Czajkowski | July 24, 2019

5 min read

Finance & IT Couples Therapy Guideline #2: Modify Dysfunctional Behavior

How you can rethink the foundations of the finance-IT relationship by working toward a common goal.

Chuck Czajkowski | July 16, 2019

5 min read

Finance & IT Couples Therapy Guideline #1: Change the Views of the Relationship

The first in a five-part series about how to resolve tensions between finance and IT. The first step: changing the views of the relationship on both sides.

Chuck Czajkowski | July 10, 2019

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