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Educational Institution Frees Up Resources for Other IT Initiatives


With the increasing demands for data storage, security, and performance optimization, it can be a daunting task for in-house IT teams to keep up. However, there is a solution that has proven to be effective in addressing these challenges while freeing up valuable resources for other IT initiatives. In this case study, we will explore how an educational institution leveraged the expertise of Datavail to overcome their database administration hurdles and achieve significant benefits.

Addressing the Challenges

When this educational institution decided to seek external assistance, they had several key challenges in mind. Their primary objectives were as follows:

  1. Lower Costs: Like many organizations, cost reduction was a top priority for this institution. They wanted to find a solution that would provide high-quality database administration services at a fraction of the cost of hiring and maintaining an in-house team.
  2. Improved Database Administration Quality: Ensuring the quality of their database administration was paramount for this institution. They needed expert guidance and support to optimize their databases, improve performance, and minimize downtime.
  3. Focus on Business Rather Than Technology: By outsourcing their database administration tasks, the institution aimed to redirect their internal IT team’s focus towards strategic initiatives that directly impact their core business objectives.
  4. Enhanced Coverage: The educational institution required round-the-clock coverage and support for their databases, including weekends and holidays. This level of availability was challenging with their limited internal IT resources.
  5. Resource Reallocation: The institution sought opportunities to reallocate or augment their existing staff resources effectively. They needed a partner who could seamlessly integrate with their team and provide specialized expertise without disrupting day-to-day operations.

Leveraging Datavail’s Expertise

To address these challenges head-on, the educational institution turned to Datavail for their comprehensive database administration services. They entrusted Datavail with the management of their Microsoft SQL databases and utilized their expertise in the following ways:

  1. Remote Database Management: By leveraging Datavail’s remote database management services, the institution gained access to a team of experienced database administrators who could handle day-to-day tasks, monitor performance, and ensure optimal functionality.
  2. Database Upgrades and Migrations: Keeping up with the latest technology is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. With Datavail’s assistance, the institution successfully implemented database upgrades and migrations, ensuring they were always utilizing the most efficient and secure database versions.
  3. Database Assessments and Health Checks: To identify areas for improvement and proactively address potential issues, the educational institution relied on Datavail’s comprehensive database assessments and health checks. These assessments provided valuable insights into their database infrastructure and allowed them to optimize performance.
  4. Performance Tuning: Performance issues can significantly impact an educational institution’s ability to deliver quality services to students and faculty members. With Datavail’s performance tuning expertise, the institution was able to fine-tune their databases for maximum efficiency and responsiveness.

Achieving Results

Since partnering with Datavail, this educational institution has experienced a multitude of benefits that have had a transformative impact on their operations. Some notable results include:

  • Lowered Database Administration Costs: By opting for Datavail’s remote database management services, the institution saved between 25-50% of costs compared to maintaining an in-house team.
  • Improved Quality of Database Administration: The expertise brought by Datavail greatly enhanced the quality of their overall database administration practices. This resulted in improved data security, enhanced performance, and reduced downtime.
  • Focused on Core Business Initiatives: By offloading their database administration tasks to Datavail, the internal IT team was able to shift their focus towards strategic initiatives that directly impacted the education delivery process.
  • Round-the-Clock Coverage: With Datavail’s 24×7 coverage, the institution no longer had to worry about limited internal IT resources. They could rest assured knowing that their databases were being monitored and supported at all times.
  • Resource Reallocation: The partnership with Datavail allowed the educational institution to free up resources that were previously dedicated to database administration. These resources could now be allocated towards other critical IT initiatives, driving innovation and growth.

The client sums up their experience by stating:

“Datavail has enabled us to free up resources formerly dedicated to database administration in order to accomplish other IT initiatives. Datavail has also provided us with 24×7 coverage, which had been a challenge given the relatively small size of our internal IT team. Datavail continues to meet my expectations for remote DBA monitoring and support. The team that I work with is very professional, and I feel that we have a good working relationship.”


In conclusion, this case study exemplifies how an educational institution successfully tackled their database administration challenges by partnering with Datavail. By entrusting their database management tasks to experts in the field, they achieved significant cost savings, improved quality of administration, and reallocated resources towards other important IT initiatives. If you are a Database Administrator or IT Manager seeking efficient solutions for your organization’s database needs, consider exploring the benefits of outsourcing with a trusted partner like Datavail.

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