Microsoft Fabric Community Conference 2025
Las Vegas | March 31 – April 2 | MGM Grand Hotel

Join Datavail at the Microsoft Fabric Community Conference 2025 and see firsthand how Microsoft Fabric and the rest of the data and AI products at Microsoft can help your organization prepare for the era of AI. You’ll hear from leading Microsoft and community experts from around the world and get hands on experiences with the latest features from Microsoft Fabric, Power BI, Databases, Azure AI, Microsoft Purview, and more. event for data and AI professionals. Taking place at the MGM Grand Hotel, this year’s conference promises to be bigger and better than ever!
During this 3-day event, you’ll:
- Gain insights from leading Microsoft and community experts from around the globe.
- Experience hands-on sessions with the latest features from Microsoft Fabric, Power BI, SQL Server, Cosmos DB, Azure Databases for PostgreSQL and MySQL, Azure AI, Microsoft Purview, and more.
Why Visit Datavail at Booth #204?
- Stay Ahead: Discover how to leverage the latest Microsoft Data & AI technologies to future-proof your business.
- Connect Directly: Engage with our Microsoft leaders for insights tailored to your needs.
- Learn & Benchmark: Network with peers from a variety of industries, geographies, and company sizes.
- Collect cool swag!
Register Now for Exclusive Savings — Early Bird pricing is available until February 4th! Use our sponsor code DATAVAIL250 at check-out to receive an additional $250 off your registration.
Datavail is your trusted solution partner for maximizing Microsoft technologies in:
- Data & AI
- Digital & App Innovation
- Infrastructure
Can’t Attend? Let’s Connect Anyway!
Schedule a meeting with us or explore our comprehensive library of white papers, blogs, and case studies to learn more today.
Microsoft Fabric Managed Support and Consulting Services
Microsoft Fabric Modernization Pathways: Upgrade Your Data Investments
Microsoft Fabric Essentials and Modernization Pathways
Schedule Your Meeting with a Data Expert:

We are an Advanced Specialized Microsoft Solutions Partner that provides a broad range of services in support of databases, analytics, and applications. From managed services and consulting to projects and 24×7 operational support, Datavail has you, your data, and your applications covered to get the most out of your Microsoft Azure initiatives and investment. In addition, we’ve helped hundreds of customers migrate their applications and database workloads to the cloud.
Event Details
City: Las Vegas, NV
Venue: MGM Grand Hotel
When: March 31, 2025
Time: 8:00 am (PT)